
Mousepose vs
Mousepose vs

Check if the user is scrolling the mouse wheel up. A positive is value up, and a negative is down the x component is always 0. The returned value is a type of Vector2, where the y component represents the scroll direction. This gives us the current mouse’s scroll wheel state on the current frame. Check if the user released the middle mouse button on this frame.īesides mouse button presses, we can also read the state of the mouse’s scroll wheel by using Input.mouseScrollDelta. Check if the user pressed the right mouse button down on this frame. Check if the user is holding down the left mouse button on this frame. In the legacy input module, the value of the left mouse button is 0, right button is 1, and the middle button is 2. We have to provide a mouse button value as an argument for the method. To detect the mouse button states we can use Input.GetMouseButton, Input.GetMouseButtonDown and Input.GetMouseButtonUp.

mousepose vs

If the application is running in windowed mode, we can tell whether the cursor is outside the screen boundary if the x or y of the position is either smaller than zero, or greater than the dimensions of the active window. Note that the z component of the returned value is always 0. Vector3 mousePosition = Input.mousePositionĬalling Input.mousePosition returns us the current position as Vector3. To get the pixel dimensions of the active window, we can use Screen.width and Screen.Height. The pixel coordinates of the bottom left corner of the application window are 0,0 and the coordinates of the top-right corner are the same as the pixel dimensions of the window. When reading the mouse position in Unity, we deal with pixel coordinates (often referred to as screen points or screen space positions). We can access the module from UnityEngine.Input for reading the current mouse position, we can call Input.mousePosition. When we create a new Unity project, the legacy input module is enabled by default. Let’s now jump into Unity and see how we can start detecting the mouse input. We’ll be focusing only on the solutions provided by Unity and won’t cover any third-party plugins.

mousepose vs

We’ll start by looking at the legacy input system and then familiarize ourselves with the new input system and input actions.

mousepose vs

In this article, we’ll take a look at three different ways for using mouse movement as an input in Unity. By doing this, we can use the resulting 3D coordinate to select or highlight game objects in the 3D space, or instantiate some nice dust particles when the player clicks on a terrain to provide some nice juicy feedback.

mousepose vs

We also often need to do a coordinate system conversion in which we convert the mouse position into a world space position - essentially, converting a 2D screen coordinate into a 3D coordinate somewhere inside the game scene. Not only is the mouse used for interacting with 2D UI elements, such as buttons, sliders and checkboxes, it’s also very common to use it to interact with 3D game objects inside the game scene, or, for example, to display an informative UI tooltip next to the mouse cursor. Understanding how mouse input works is one of the most fundamental tools in every Unity developer’s skill set.

#Mousepose vs how to#

How to detect mouse movement as an input in Unity Having previously worked on several F2P mobile games and indie titles, he is now working as the lead programmer in a story-driven tactics RPG for PC. Jussi Tuomi Follow Jussi is a programmer and a game developer specializing in C# and the Unity game engine.

Mousepose vs